The Communications Workers of America partnered with Microsoft at a "community Labor Day festival in Atlanta" and other cities to boost enrollment in the FCC's affordable connectivity program, the union said Thursday. CWA and Microsoft will "work with local public housing authorities and other community partners" to promote ACP and pre-qualify households. The union said providers offering no-cost broadband plans to ACP enrollees will also be on site. “CWA members have a longstanding commitment to making sure that every household in America has reliable high-speed internet service," said President Chris Shelton. Microsoft President Brad Smith said the company is "glad to be working with CWA to bring more broadband access to more Americans" through ACP.
NTIA “hit a major milestone” in getting every state and territory committed to participating in the agency’s broadband, equity, access and deployment program and digital equity program, said Administrator Alan Davidson during a National Urban League webinar Tuesday (see 2208170031). "The hard work begins” now as states put together their plans, Davidson said. “This is an all-hands-on deck moment,” he said: “We need everybody's help.” The agency is reviewing states and territories’ applications to “be able to start to fund their state planning grants next month,” said NTIA Director-Public Engagement Mark Colon.
Lumen expects its sale of its incumbent local exchange carrier business in 20 states to Apollo's Brightspeed to close "early in the fourth quarter," pending “customary closing conditions,” the company announced Monday, after the FCC's approval last week. The companies announced the $7.5 billion deal in August 2021, with Lumen retaining ILEC assets in 16 states (see 2108030077). The deal received its final state regulatory approval from the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities in June (see 2206290041).
Advocacy organizations and industry groups welcomed an FCC notice of inquiry seeking ways to expand access to the Lifeline and affordable connectivity programs for survivors of domestic and sexual violence (see 2207140055). Some sought additional flexibility in providing eligibility documentation for survivors, in comments posted Friday in docket 22-238.
The FCC’s report to Congress on the future of the USF, released Monday (see 2208150048), contained more questions than answers, industry experts said Tuesday. The 65-page report has few broad conclusions on the future of USF, declining to adopt competition as a separate goal or to set a separate deployment goal targeting mobile broadband. It weighs against assessing a fee based on broadband internet access service (BIAS).
With more than 13 million households now enrolled in the FCC’s affordable connectivity program, commissioners approved an order Friday establishing an outreach grant program to further boost participation (see 2207150063). Commissioners at the monthly meeting also adopted an order establishing a one-year pilot program to increase ACP enrollment among households receiving federal housing assistance and a notice of inquiry seeking comment on space innovation and operations.
Consumer advocacy organizations welcomed a draft order aimed at increasing awareness of and boosting enrollment in the FCC’s affordable connectivity program, highlighting the need for organizations on the ground to enroll hard to reach populations (see 2207150063). Commissioners during the agency’s meeting Friday will consider an outreach grant effort and a pilot program targeting households receiving federal housing assistance.
The National Lifeline Association asked the FCC to grant its petition for reconsideration and clarification of the Wireline and Enforcement Bureaus' authority to suspend an affordable connectivity program provider's participation and marketing of connected devices, in a letter posted Tuesday in docket 21-450 (see 2206160071). NaLA noted there was no opposition to its petition and said the "unenthusiastic participation" among providers offering a connected device is "likely because of unnecessary regulatory hurdles that have been erected, including the market value provision addressed in the petition."
California could risk losing broadband funding if it grants a consumer group petition to require low-cost broadband plans for everyone, ISPs warned this week. The California Public Utilities Commission received responses Monday in docket R.20-09-001 on advocates’ petition to modify an April decision on rules for the state’s $2 billion last-mile federal funding account (FFA). Industry also clashed with consumer groups, in reply comments in docket R.20-02-008, on how California LifeLine subsidies interact with federal programs.
The cable industry is incorrect that applying affordability metrics in California Advanced Services Fund is inconsistent with CASF statutory directions, said the California Public Utilities Commission in a revised draft order Thursday in docket R.18-07-006. Responding to concerns raised by the California Cable and Telecommunications Association, the new draft said “consideration of affordability impacts is consistent with the stated goal of Pub. Util. Code Section 281 ‘to encourage deployment of high-quality advanced communications services to all Californians that will promote economic growth, job creation and the substantial social benefits of advanced information and communications technologies…’” The CPUC previously rejected CTIA’s argument that affordability metrics apply only to rate-regulated communications services, the draft said. Communications companies have resisted California affordability metrics (see 2207110030). The CPUC plans to vote on the proposed decision Aug. 4 after delaying the item that had first been scheduled for July 14. Meanwhile in docket R.20-023-008, Verizon’s Tracfone slammed a proposed decision to reduce California LifeLine subsidies when total federal monthly support applied to a LifeLine plan is more than $9.25. Other companies also raised concerns with the item that could get a vote Aug. 25 (see 2207280059). The CPUC draft “limits consumer choice and harms consumer affordability in a manner that is contrary to the” Moore Universal Telephone Service Act, a 2021 California law, said the wireless Lifeline provider: The draft “would prohibit low-income consumers from maximizing the full breadth of federal and state Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) and LifeLine support that carriers would use to help design unlimited wireless connectivity offerings at no cost.”