FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel is pushing back against House GOP criticisms (see 2410070040) of the commission’s September approval of radio broadcaster Audacy’s request for a temporary waiver of foreign-ownership requirements to complete a bankruptcy restructuring that includes George Soros-affiliated entities purchasing its stock. The waiver vote was 3-2, with Republican Commissioners Brendan Carr and Nathan Simington claiming the agency deviated from normal procedure (see 2409300046).
Courts still “respect” technical expertise at agencies like the FCC despite the U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal of the Chevron doctrine, Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said Friday.
A small, but steady stream of defaults is hitting the rural deployment opportunity fund program, with many providers citing inflation as the cause, program watchers and participants tell us. A small burst of RDOF defaults occurred in recent days, including Cable One telling the FCC it's dropping 902 census block group projects in Idaho and Missouri (see 2410180033) and Mercury Broadband defaulting in 129 census block groups across four states. Since Sept. 1, Pinpoint Communications announced defaults of three census block groups, RiverStreet Communications had six and Lumen nine. It's unclear whether RDOF default locations will receive connectivity elsewhere, such as with NTIA's broadband equity, access and deployment (BEAD) program.
The FTC violated the Constitution and exceeded its rulemaking authority when it issued a rule aimed at making it easier for consumers to cancel subscriptions, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, NCTA, the Interactive Advertising Bureau and other industry groups said in three different lawsuits filed Tuesday in three separate appeals courts.
The New Jersey Assembly Committee on Consumer Affairs unanimously approved a bill Thursday requiring cable and broadband providers to let consumers admitted to a long-term care facility to pause or cancel service contracts. Moreover, under the bill, customers who pause or cancel contracts would not incur additional fees.
The fiber industry and proponents of alternative connectivity technologies butted heads Wednesday over the viability of their solutions. During a Broadband Breakfast webinar, Fiber Broadband Association CEO Gary Bolton repeatedly called low earth orbit (LEO) satellite connectivity, such as SpaceX's Starlink service, "unreliable" -- language that other panelists challenged.
Communications Daily is tracking the lawsuits below involving appeals of FCC actions.
District of Columbia emergency officials opposed a D.C. Council bill aimed at increasing transparency at the Office of Unified Communications 911 center. During a livestreamed Judiciary and Public Safety Committee hearing Wednesday, OUC Director Heather McGaffin raised privacy concerns about the bill, noting calls from people in sensitive situations might be made public. However, Dave Statter, a former journalist who regularly blogs about OUC errors, said privacy concerns are overblown and more transparency could help. But he said the bill doesn't go far enough.
FCC commissioners, along party lines, released a notice of inquiry Wednesday examining how easy -- or not -- it is to cancel cable, broadband, satellite TV and voice services and whether cancellation should be as simple and straightforward as enrolling often is. The NOI, adopted 3-2 Oct. 10, also raises the idea of the FCC requiring live customer service representatives. Comments are due Nov. 22, replies Dec. 9, in docket 24-472.
Digital First Project Executive Director Nathan Leamer on Wednesday said whoever chairs the FCC during the next administration should take on a more forceful role in advocating for Congress to renew the commission’s lapsed spectrum auction authority. Leamer, who served as an aide to former FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, said during a Georgetown University Center for Business and Public Policy webcast that whichever party wins the White House Nov. 5 will reexamine broadband affordability issues. He believes the FCC will have to brace for the impact of potential federal court rulings striking down its recent orders reclassifying broadband as a Communications Act Title II service and instituting anti-digital discrimination rules.