U.S. Customs and Border Protection has posted six informed compliance publications that were reviewed in March 2009 with no change.
Wireless Spectrum Auctions
The FCC manages and licenses the electromagnetic spectrum used by wireless, broadcast, satellite and other telecommunications services for government and commercial users. This activity includes organizing specific telecommunications modes to only use specific frequencies and maintaining the licensing systems for each frequency such that communications services and devices using different bands receive as little interference as possible.
What are spectrum auctions?
The FCC will periodically hold auctions of unused or newly available spectrum frequencies, in which potential licensees can bid to acquire the rights to use a specific frequency for a specific purpose. As an example, over the last few years the U.S. government has conducted periodic auctions of different GHz bands to support the growth of 5G services.
Latest spectrum auction news
The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission will hold a public hearing in Washington, DC on March 24, 2009 to address "China's Industrial Policy and its Impact on U.S. Companies, Workers, and the American Economy." (FR Pub, 03/06/09, available at http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/pdf/E9-4774.pdf)
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has previously announced that the next customs broker license examination will be held on Monday, April 6, 2009.
The National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America has issued a third email notice (dated February 26, 2009) stating that NCBFAA subject matter experts (SMEs) continue to work with senior managers at U.S. Customs and Border Protection to answer additional questions on the startup of the Importer Security Filing (ISF). In response to additional forwarded questions, NCBFAA states that (partial list):
During Secretary of State Clinton's recent visit to South Korea, she and South Korean Foreign Minister Yu discussed the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement. According to remarks made by Minister Yu, the U.S. and South Korea have agreed to work together to move forward on the U.S.-Korea FTA. (Remarks with South Korean Foreign Minister Yu, dated 02/20/09, available at http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2009a/02/119412.htm.)
Canada's Office of the Prime Minister has posted a brief summary of issues discussed by U.S. President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Harper, including the need to review management of the Canada-U.S. border. (Summary, dated 02/19/09, available at http://pm.gc.ca/eng/media.asp?id=2432)
In December 2008, U.S. Customs and Border Protection posted a frequently asked questions document regarding the submission of the licensed customs broker triennial status report and fee. CBP's FAQ stated that the triennial status report and the corresponding fee may be filed from January 2, 2009 through February 28, 2009 to be considered timely.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has previously announced that the next customs broker license examination will be held on Monday, Monday, April 6, 2009.
On January 8, 2009, Representative Cuellar (D) introduced the Customs Business Fairness Act of 2009 (Act, H.R. 313) to amend the U.S. bankruptcy law (Title 11, U.S. Code) to establish a priority for the payment of certain claims for import duties, etc. paid to the U.S. by licensed Customs brokers and sureties on behalf of a debtor.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection recently posted to its Web site a frequently asked question (FAQ) document regarding its interim final rule that amended 19 CFR effective January 26, 2009, to require Security Filing (SF) information from importers and additional information from carriers (10+2) for vessel (maritime) cargo before it is brought into the U.S.