The Port of New York/Newark has issued an Informational Pipeline stating that containers consigned to a C-TPAT importer that are designated for drayage to a Centralized Examination Station (CES) for a CBP Enforcement, Trade, or Agriculture examination, will clearly be designated as "C-TPAT Priority," on the Permit to Transfer or CF3461 document faxed to the CES facility. The CES facility will in turn, dray to their facility, and present for examination, the C-TPAT Priority cargo before non-C-TPAT designated containerized cargo. (See future issue of ITT for details.) (Pipeline 09-016-NWK is available via email by sending a request to
Wireless Spectrum Auctions
The FCC manages and licenses the electromagnetic spectrum used by wireless, broadcast, satellite and other telecommunications services for government and commercial users. This activity includes organizing specific telecommunications modes to only use specific frequencies and maintaining the licensing systems for each frequency such that communications services and devices using different bands receive as little interference as possible.
What are spectrum auctions?
The FCC will periodically hold auctions of unused or newly available spectrum frequencies, in which potential licensees can bid to acquire the rights to use a specific frequency for a specific purpose. As an example, over the last few years the U.S. government has conducted periodic auctions of different GHz bands to support the growth of 5G services.
Latest spectrum auction news
The Census Bureau has issued an Automated Export System broadcast announcing that it has developed AESDirect and AESPcLink Sample Shipment Guides which provide screenshots of the entire filing process in each respective application, along with important information and helpful tips that appear among Census' most frequently asked questions. (Notice, available at
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a notice announcing that the next customs broker license exam will be held on Monday, October 5, 2009.
The Federal Maritime Commission has announced that it filed in the U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. a motion requesting the court to withdraw the its challenge of FMC Agreement No. 201170, the Los Angeles/Long Beach Port Infrastructure and Environmental Programs Cooperative Working Agreement. (News release, dated 06/16/09, available at
The U.S.-China Business Council has posted a press release noting that despite the global economic downturn, 85% of congressional districts increased their exports to China in 2008. The council also posted a mapthat shows U.S. exports to China by state and district (must scroll down). (Press Release, dated 06/11/09, available at
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a new informed compliance publication entitled What Every Member of the Trade Community Should Know About: Locks of Base Metal.
Note that Daily Update on Capitol Hill Trade Actions does not appear in today's issue of International Trade Today. Publication of this feature will resume as new information becomes available.
CBP has posted the printable versions of eight "ACE Overview" fact sheets for brokers,importers, foreign trade zone operators, ocean and rail carriers, cartmen and lightermen, facilities operators, service providers, and truck carriers.
The National Customs Brokers & Freight Forwarders' Association has filed an amicus curiae brief at the Court of International Trade in Lizarraga Customs Broker v. Customs and Border Protection ,et al.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection recently posted the April 2009 customs broker license exam and answer key. According to CBP sources, the pass rate for the April exam was 11.4%.