Export Compliance Daily is providing readers with some of the top stories for June 8-12 in case you missed them.
A U.S. official again argued that the U.S. has the authority to invoke snapback sanctions under the Iran nuclear deal and threatened to impose them unless an international arms embargo against Iran is extended. Brian Hook, the U.S. special representative for Iran, said the U.S. will trigger a United Nations provision to reimpose a host of international sanctions against Iran if the arms embargo, set to expire in October, is not extended. Without the embargo, Iran could import a range of advanced military weapons from China and Russia, Hook said. “One way or another, we're going to accomplish this,” he said, speaking during a June 9 virtual talk hosted by the Heritage Foundation.
The U.S. is seeking to withdraw a case against a man convicted of violating U.S. sanctions on Iran (see 2003180019), according to court records filed June 5. U.S. prosecutors said the case should be dropped due to “disclosure-related issues” during the March trial, which would likely lead to “continued litigation about” suppression of evidence. “The Government has determined that it would not be in the interests of justice to further prosecute this case,” prosecutors said in a letter to the court.
Export Compliance Daily is providing readers with some of the top stories for May 11-15 in case you missed them.
The Treasury Department disputed a report that said South Korea obtained a “special license” to export humanitarian goods to Iran (see 2004170026), saying the country may be using an existing general license but did not receive an additional exemption. The Office of Foreign Assets Control “has not issued a ‘special license’ to the Koreans,” a Treasury spokesperson said. OFAC’s Iran sanctions regime contains “broad exemptions” for humanitarian exports, which may make some South Korean exports “permissible,” the spokesperson said.
The Trump administration should take more “diplomatic action” to renew the expiring United Nations arms embargo on Iran, U.S. lawmakers said in a dear colleague letter being circulated. Even though Iran continually violates UN bans on arms transfers, the ban is an “important means” to restrict weapons sales to Iran, the lawmakers said in a letter addressed to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. The expiration of the arms embargo, which is set for October, could lead to more states buying and selling weapons to and from Iran, which could have “disastrous consequences” for U.S. national security. The lawmakers also urged Pompeo to “make clear” that U.S. sanctions on Iranian arms transfers will “remain in place and will be fully enforced.”
The United Kingdom’s Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation amended its Iran sanctions entries to reflect the European Union’s renewal of the sanctions until April 13, 2021, OFSI said in an April 9 notice. The renewal affects 82 entries under the U.K.’s human rights program for Iran (see 2004090024).
After current and former lawmakers asked the Treasury Department to clarify its stance on humanitarian exports to sanctioned countries, the agency pushed back on accusations that sanctions are stopping those exports, saying it does not target legitimate exported aid. Some of those accusations are marred by a misunderstanding of Treasury’s general licenses and exemptions, said sanctions lawyer Doug Jacobson: they do allow a broad range of humanitarian exports to countries like Iran.
The U.S. should expand the scope of humanitarian license exceptions for exports to Iran and add staffing within the Treasury Department to speed up the licensing process, members of the European Leadership Network and The Iran Project said April 6. The statement, signed by 25 former U.S. and European government officials, also said the U.S. needs to do more to assure companies, banks and organizations they will not be targeted for exporting humanitarian items to Iran. The letter follows similar calls by U.S. lawmakers, who said sanctions are hindering life-saving exports to Iran (see 2004010019).
The Trump administration should issue “broad licenses” to medical companies and create dedicated channels for industry to export medical goods to Iran during the COVID-19 pandemic, former Vice President Joe Biden said April 2. Although the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control already has broad general licenses that allow exemptions for humanitarian exports, Biden said they are not effective. “In practice, most governments and organizations are too concerned about running afoul of U.S. sanctions to offer assistance,” Biden said. “As a result, our sanctions are limiting Iran’s access to medical supplies and needed equipment.”