The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service seeks comment by Nov. 2 on the reinstatement of its collections of information related to export health certificates for animal products, it said in a notice released Sept. 2. APHIS issues the certificates to satisfy import requirements in other countries for animal products from the U.S., and the certifications must carry the U.S. Department of Agriculture seal and be endorsed by an APHIS representative. APHIS estimates the process takes exporters about 20 minutes. After considering comments, it will submit the information collection to the Office of Management and Budget for approval.
The Environmental Protection Agency is removing the Toxic Substances Control Act significant new use rule (SNUR) on one chemical substance, alpha 1-, 3-polysaccharide, which was the subject of a premanufacture notice. EPA’s final rule, which takes effect Sept. 24, removes new use notification requirements. The revocation is “based on new test data for the chemical substance,” the agency said.
The Environmental Protection Agency is proposing new reporting requirements for three chemical substances under significant new use rules, it said Aug. 25. The proposed SNURs would require notification to EPA at least 90 days in advance of a new use by importers, manufacturers or processors. Importers of chemical substances subject to these proposed SNURs would need to certify their compliance with the SNUR requirements should these proposed rules be finalized, EPA said. Exporters of these chemical substances would become subject to export notification requirements. Comments on the proposed SNURs are due Sept. 24. The SNURs would cover the following chemical substances:
More companies are seeking drawback payments as the economic slowdown has increased the importance of cash on hand, CBP officials and industry executives said during the American Association of Exporters and Importers virtual conference Aug. 20. “In general, I would say COVID's had a major impact on our businesses and it's also made our company even more focused on getting cash in the door,” said Kathleen Palma, senior executive for international trade compliance at GE. “One of the levers that our leadership has been looking at has been drawback.” At the same time, Palma expects that because the company is bringing in fewer shipments, that will be reflected in fewer drawback claims going forward.
The Environmental Protection Agency issued a final rule setting new significant new use rules (SNURs) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) for seven chemical substances subject to premanufacture notices (PMNs). As a result of the SNURs, persons planning to manufacture, import or process any of the chemicals for an activity designated as a significant new use by this rule are required to notify EPA at least 90 days in advance. Importers of chemicals subject to these SNURs will need to certify their compliance with the SNUR requirements, and exporters of these chemicals will now become subject to export notification requirements. The final rule takes effect Oct. 2. The SNURs cover the following chemical substances:
The Drug Enforcement Administration is proposing to require reports of thefts or significant losses of controlled substances be submitted electronically. The agency would require electronic submission of DEA Form 106 by importers, exporters and suppliers within 15 days of the theft or loss, and would also add new requirements for the form to be submitted accurately. DEA is accepting comments on the proposal beginning on the proposed rule’s scheduled publication date, July 29, until Sept. 28.
The Environmental Protection Agency issued a final rule setting new significant new use rules (SNURs) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) for seven chemical substances that are subjects of premanufacture notices (PMNs). As a result of the SNURs, persons planning to manufacture, import or process any of the chemicals for an activity designated as a significant new use by this rule are required to notify EPA at least 90 days in advance. Importers of chemicals subject to these SNURs will need to certify their compliance with the SNUR requirements, and exporters of these chemicals will now become subject to export notification requirements. The final rule takes effect Sept. 28. The SNURs cover the following chemical substances:
The Environmental Protection Agency is proposing new reporting requirements for seven chemicals under significant new use rules. The proposed SNURs would require notification to EPA at least 90 days in advance of a new use by importers, manufacturers or processors. Importers of chemicals subject to these proposed SNURs would need to certify their compliance with the SNUR requirements should these proposed rules be finalized, EPA said. Exporters of these chemicals would become subject to export notification requirements. Comments on the proposed SNURs are due Aug. 20. The SNURs would cover the following chemical substances:
The Census Bureau published a July 21 blog post about U.S.-Puerto Rico shipping regulations, detailing when exporters must file Electronic Export Information in the Automated Export System. The post covers filing requirements for shipping routes that include the mainland U.S., Puerto Rico and a foreign country. The Commerce Department is working on an advance notice of proposed rulemaking to remove certain EEI filing requirements for exporters shipping goods to Puerto Rico (see 2006030043).
The Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee’s Secure Trade Lanes Subcommittee Export Working Group issued draft recommendations this week ahead of the COAC’s July 15 meeting. The group recommends that CBP review, compare and eliminate any “duplicative and unnecessary” data elements between the Electronic Export Information and Air, Ocean, and Rail manifest. The group also recommended that the duplicative data elements only be required from the owner of the data “since it is the most timely and accurate source,” and recommended that CBP “provide a data-flow and process-flow map” for government agencies. The map would define where data originates, “such as the EEI, the Manifest, and Departure messages,” the group said.