Cingular Interactive (CI) filed an application for review last week of the Universal Service Administrative Co.’s (USAC) assessment of universal service fund (USF) contributions from CI. In a filing at the FCC, CI said it owes no past due USF contributions: “The only services CI provided during the time period for which USAC has sent invoices claiming USF contributions are information services, which are not subject to USF contribution requirements,” CI told the FCC. The company said it reported to the USAC in 2002 its services had been reclassified as information services. “The reclassification was based on the FCC’s evolving interpretation of the difference between information services and telecommunications services,” CI said. In part, CI argued USAC lacks authority to make a determination that it is providing telecom services, contending only the FCC can reverse “existing precedent.” CI said the FCC’s Wireline Bureau can take corrective action on the USAC decisions under delegated authority. “CI"s services could be found to constitute telecommunications services only by adopting new policies and overruling or departing from the Commission’s authoritative case law, which cannot be accomplished under delegated authority,” CI said. If a decision that favors Cingular isn’t handed down, CI said it wants the petition to be referred to the full Commission.
Rural telephone company executives at a convention in Washington applauded loudly Mon. when FCC Comr. Adelstein promised he would fight to defeat a proposal to limit universal service funding to one “primary” line. “I hope it’s dead on arrival at the FCC,” Adelstein said of the proposal by the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service. Limits on universal service funding would put consumers in rural areas “at a disadvantage,” he told the National Telecom Co-op Assn. (NTCA). Such limits would “undercut investment in rural America,” he said.
SAN FRANCISCO -- The FCC’s VoIP rulemaking probably will go on a fast track, an FCC Wireline Bureau official said here Thurs. “I suspect that we will try to get more clarity out there faster than not,” Senior Deputy Bureau Chief Jeffrey Carlisle told Law Seminars International’s Voice over IP conference.
Sprint acknowledged to the FCC it had moved more traffic to its IP backbone to reduce access charge costs, but it took exception to SBC’s characterization of the amount of traffic moved. In a March 3 ex parte filing, Sprint said SBC claimed it had studied a sample and found 40% of Sprint’s traffic had been moved. Sprint said it “has indeed increased its use of such arrangements out of competitive necessity (and will continue to do so as long as such practice is legally permissible and financially rational) but hardly to the extent and at the speed posited by SBC.” Sprint told the agency: “Until the Commission issues an explicit finding that access charges do apply to this type of traffic, voice service providers will have an enormous economic incentive to greatly expand their use of alternative termination arrangements simply to remain competitive with one another in terms of access costs, and disputes regarding the applicability of access charges for VoIP traffic, and whether revenues associated with such traffic are subject to mandatory contributions to the USF, will continue to escalate.”
Newly anointed House Commerce Committee Chmn. Barton (R- Tex.) reiterated his support for the “Tauzin-Dingell” method of telecom deregulation, noting that he was a co-sponsor of the bill in the 107th Congress. Asked if Tauzin-Dingell was essentially dead since the FCC has enacted some of the bill’s provisions, Barton said the philosophy behind Tauzin-Dingell hasn’t died. Barton has said the Telecom Act of 1996 will need to be reformed in the upcoming 109th Congress, as has Senate Appropriations Chmn. Stevens (R-Alaska), who will likely become Senate Commerce Committee Chmn. next year. Barton said the U.S. was falling behind other countries -- Korea, Japan, Western Europe -- in broadband deployment, and the govt. should look for ways to accelerate the rollout of high-speed Internet access. However, Barton has named Rep. Pickering (R-Miss.), an opponent of the Tauzin-Dingell approach, to be the Committee vice-chmn. Pickering said when evaluating the Telecom Act, the Committee will take into account many factors, including VoIP, the universal service fund (USF) and spectrum reform. Pickering said the Committee should look to “maintain competition and choices” when reforming telecom law. Barton was careful not to commit to any changes in telecom policy, noting that the Committee hadn’t yet been through the hearing process that he said is needed to educate members on the state of the industry. Barton said the Committee will have hearings this year on the federal budget and will likely hear testimony from relevant Administration officials, including those from the Commerce Dept. Barton said the Committee will look for ways to streamline the budget of agencies over which the Committee has jurisdiction. The Committee will also continue its investigation into the E-Rate USF fund that provides funds to schools and libraries for telecom services, Investigations Subcommittee Chmn. Greenwood (R-Pa.) said. Barton didn’t say whether he would support the E-rate program, only saying it remains a “controversial” spending mechanism. House Telecom Subcommittee Chmn. Upton (R-Mich.) will remain in his post, and he said Thurs. that the Subcommittee would begin to “lay the framework” for telecom reform this year. He said the Subcommittee will hold a hearing on the Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act (SHVIA) next week. There were few changes to the Committee structure from that of former Chmn. Tauzin (R- La.). Rep. Hall (R-Tex.), who switched from the Democratic party, will take Barton’s position as chmn. of the Energy Subcommittee. Rep. Shadegg (R-Ariz.) will be the Committee Whip and Rep. Shimkus (R-Ill.) will become the Committee Coalition Dir. Barton said most of the staff would remain in place, save the few who follow Tauzin when he leaves Congress. Barton announced C.H. “Bud” Albright would be the Committee Staff Dir. Albright comes to the Committee from Reliant Resources -- an energy company -- and once was the Committee’s Chief Oversight Counsel. Lawrence Neal will become Deputy Staff Dir. for Communications. Neal spent 20 years in the press office of former Sen. Phil Gramm (R-Tex.) and comes to the Committee from the Census Bureau. Andy Black will be the Deputy Staff Dir. for Policy. Black was on Barton’s Energy Subcommittee and also in the private sector for The Advocacy Group.
There was no agreement on whether the FCC should grant Level 3 petition seeking relief from access charges on “voice-embedded IP communications,” in comments filed with the Commission. Level 3 had asked the agency to forbear on rules that might be interpreted as permitting LECs to impose access charges on IP traffic originating or terminating on the public switched telephone network (PSTN), while the agency completes its reform of intercarrier compensation. The FCC last month ruled that’s computer-to- computer Free World Dialup service was an unregulated information service, marking the first “easy” step in addressing IP-based services (CD Feb 13 p1). However, many agreed Level 3 petition dealing with VoIP that touches the PSTN, raised more complicated issues, which should be addressed in the forthcoming VoIP rulemaking proceeding.
The FCC could “come under heavy pressure from lawmakers to back away” from a proposal by the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service to limit universal service funding to customers’ primary lines, Legg Mason said Mon. in a research report. The proposal released late Fri. sought to curtail the burgeoning increase in demand on the Universal Service Fund (USF), fueled in part by the growth of competition from wireless providers. The action means the current situation in which USF support can go to multiple lines and multiple carriers no longer would exist. The board offered the FCC suggestions for easing the plan’s impact on rural telephone companies: (1) “Restate” existing USF support for rural LECs (RLECs) based on primary lines so they wouldn’t lose support at first. (2) Order lump sum payments for RLECs so they would be kept whole at first. In both cases, RLECs would lose support only as they lost primary lines to competitors. (3) Freeze the per-line support available to competitors but “hold harmless” the RLECs so they don’t lose funding. FCC Comr. Martin had said his support for the primary line restriction was contingent on adopting the hold-harmless approach. The primary line plan was criticized by both competitors and RLECs. Western Wireless said the proposal would create “huge implementation difficulties” and was “antithetical” to the Telecom Act’s goals. The National Telecommunications Co-op Assn. (NTCA) said limiting universal service support to a single line “is not the right way to control the growth of the fund.” NTCA said “better management” could accomplish the same end: “All carriers should demonstrate their costs and receive support based on those actual costs.” NECA Pres. Bob Anderson said he was concerned that providing support to only one line would “seriously disrupt the flow of revenue to rural telephone companies.” He said rural companies depended on universal service revenue to provide services such as broadband: “Without these revenues it would be very difficult, if not impossible, for these companies to continue providing the telecommunications services that their customers are now receiving.”
Inflexion Communications asked the FCC to rule that the VoIP services it provides for underserved markets are exempt from the access charges applied to circuit switched telephone toll calls. “The petition is specifically focused on underserved market segment,” Inflexion CEO Dwayne Goldsmith said in a conference call Mon. with reporters.
A federal-state board recommended Fri. that the FCC limit universal service support to one line per customer to make sure the Universal Service Fund (USF) remains solvent. The recommendation by the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service drew partial dissents from 3 members. FCC Comr. Adelstein, Mont. PSC Comr. Bob Rowe and Nanette Thompson of the Alaska Regulatory Commission said restricting funds to primary lines “is a well-intentioned effort that will have a deleterious effect on the provision of universal service.” In a joint statement, they said “restricting funding to primary lines is not necessary to control fund growth.”
The FCC’s emphasis on VoIP is fine but the FCC should first make sure the underlying broadband infrastructure is deployed throughout the country, FCC Comr. Copps said Wed. at a symposium sponsored by Mich. State U.’s Quello Center. “No matter how enthusiastic the rhetoric [about VoIP], IP technologies will only reach their potential if the infrastructure is there,” he said. “We should be thinking larger thoughts,” Copps said: “If we ever needed a national conference on how to deal with disruptive technology it’s now.”