The Ida. PUC refused to reconsider its July denial of eligible telecom carrier (ETC) status to 2 wireless carriers, leaving them ineligible to receive federal universal service subsidies for their southeastern Ida. service areas. The PUC had denied ETC status to Clear Talk Communications because it appeared the carrier planned to serve only the low-cost, high-revenue portions of its study area, leaving wireline incumbents to serve the remote remainder. Nextel Partners had been denied ETC status after the PUC concluded that it had no facilities to serve the remote portions of its study area. The PUC said neither carrier presented any evidence to warrant rehearings. Comr. Marsha Smith dissented from the denial of reconsideration to Nextel. She said Nextel had presented new plans for building 9 new cell sites if it received ETC subsidies, thereby demonstrating its commitment to expand its service area with federal USF subsidies.
New Edge Networks asked for a waiver of the FCC’s universal service contribution rules “to eliminate the effect of the first quarter 2003 projection errors in the annual true-up process.” New Edge said it had underestimated first quarter 2003 revenue and, without a waiver, as a result would pay a higher amount into the Universal Service Fund (USF) than warranted. AT&T, SBC and Verizon faced a similar problem and received a waiver, New Edge said. The problem stemmed from the FCC’s adoption of a new method of calculating service providers’ contributions to the USF. Although there’s a true-up process, “because the change became effective after the first quarter of 2003, carriers that under-projected the first quarter revenues… will pay more than the ‘appropriate amount’ unless the Commission changes the true-up process for the first quarter 2003 or grants a waiver,” New Edge said. CTIA recently made a similar request (CD Aug 20 p8).
ASPEN, Colo. -- VoIP is exposing the flaws of the Universal Service Fund, but lobbyists here from various industries moving into VoIP had different thoughts on what the program should look like. A panel on regulating the physical layer of the Internet at the Progress & Freedom Foundation Aspen Summit agreed only that universal service is broken and needs fixing.
VoIP providers are forming the Global IP Alliance to demonstrate to state, national and international regulators that the industry is capable of self-governance. The alliance, expected to be formally announced in the next several weeks, will be led by and consist of ILECs, CLECs, IXCs and pure VoIP providers from around the world. “We want to make sure we represent all points of view globally,” said Gen. Counsel Jonathan Askin, who will be exec. dir. of the alliance. He said the group has attracted “a lot of” U.S. VoIP providers and “a couple of” European ones, but he said “we need to get more Asian” companies. The initial members will include SBC, Global Crossing, Skype, KMC, Volo and
Correction: T-Mobile USA didn’t receive money from the federal USF fund 2nd quarter (CD Aug 13 p9). The carrier collected $38 million from its customers to satisfy its USF contribution obligations. T-Mobile USA doesn’t have ETC status and can’t receive funds through the USF program.
T-Mobile USA said it added 1.092 million customers 2nd quarter, topping analyst expectations and increasing customer additions the past year to 4 million. The subsidiary of Germany’s Deutsche Telekom now has a customer base of 15.4 million, vs. 11.4 million a year ago. In an interesting footnote, T-Mobile said it received $38 million through the USF program, up from $36 million in the first quarter. A Deutsche Telecom official said the company passed the 15 million customer milestone a year ahead of schedule. T- Mobile earned $717 million on revenue of $2.46 billion. Average revenue per user per month was $55. Pres. Robert Dotson said: “T-Mobile USA captured almost 25% of the net customer additions posted by the 6 national carriers this quarter, and a 7.6% increase in our customer base.”
Rural carriers urged the FCC to deny AT&T’s prepaid calling card petition,(CD Aug. 4 p4) saying their customers would be affected because the petition would decrease access charge revenue and the Universal Service Fund (USF). The letter to FCC Chmn. Powell was sent Mon. by the Independent Telephone & Telecom Alliance, NTCA, OPASTCO and Western Telecom Alliance. AT&T is seeking a ruling that its card is an information service, so its revenue shouldn’t be subject to access charges or USF. Noting AT&T hasn’t been paying the fees for several years, the letter said: “AT&T’s unauthorized self-deregulation disproportionately harms rural carriers and their consumers. Rural carriers rely on access revenues and universal service support to provide consumers in their regions with high quality, affordable telecommunications services… Additionally, AT&T’s claim that adding a recorded message transforms a traditional voice call into an enhanced service is illogical.” The group asked the FCC to act quickly and require AT&T to make retroactive payments: “Based on AT&T’s May 2004 10-Q filing, we calculate every month that goes by, AT&T is avoiding as much as $10 million in access charges and $2.3 million in universal service contributions. The FCC should not allow AT&T to chart its own course while it continues to deliberate these important issues.” The FCC reportedly has put the item on hold until after the election.
Rural ILEC, CLEC and wireless industry groups filed an interim universal service plan with the FCC, marking the first time they've agreed on the subject. The filing -- by OPASTCO, Rural Independent Competitive Alliance (RICA) and the Rural Telecom Group (ROUTING) -- came in response to the Commission’s proceeding on the Universal Service Joint Board’s Recommended Decision on high-cost support portability. The groups proposed minimum standardized criteria for competitive eligible telecom carrier (CETC) applicants in rural service areas. They said the plan would “provide sufficient support to both wireless and wireline ETCs and would enable the FCC to better control the future growth of the Universal Service Fund (USF), while it considers more long-term reform for all ETCs serving rural service areas.”
On the eve of a critical filing deadline on USF distribution issues, Western Wireless Chmn. John Stanton said that if the fund is expanded to pay for rural broadband rollout, wireless carriers will be in line for funds. The remarks came as NTCA and OPASTCO released a report heavily critical of the carrier’s pursuit of USF funding.
One of the few surprises at Wed.’s FCC mostly well scripted meeting was a strong statement from Comr. Copps warning that the FCC is still falling short on homeland security. Shortly after the session’s start, Copps -- responding to an FCC report on post-Sept. 11 communications changes that led off a meeting largely focused on homeland security -- addressed at length Commission shortcomings. Sources involved with emergency communications said Thurs. that issues remain, echoing in part Copps’ statements. Copps, sources said, delivered what he viewed as a moderate speech.