NCTA raised questions on an NFL request for a two-year waiver extension of rules for the citizens broadband radio service, allowing the league to continue operating a coach-to-coach communications system in the event of a localized internet outage in stadiums during games. The FCC Wireless Bureau sought comments, due Monday in docket 21-111 (see 2307050028). NCTA was the only commenter as of Tuesday. “NCTA does not oppose the 2023 Waiver Extension Request, but questions the need for a further extension of the waiver, particularly a long-term extension, when the NFL concedes that it has not ever had to utilize the waiver over the last two years,” NCTA said. Any relief should be “narrowly tailored to the NFL’s specific and unique circumstances,” the group said.
The Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) is designated unlicensed spectrum in the 3.5 GHz band created by the FCC as part of an effort to allow for shared federal and non-federal use of the band.
The FCC Wireless Bureau sought comment through July 17, replies July 24, on an NFL request for a two-year waiver extension of rules for the citizens broadband radio service, allowing the league to continue operating a coach-to-coach communications system in the event of a localized internet outage in stadiums during games (see 230601002). “The NFL contends that an extension of the conditional waiver is needed in case simultaneous Internet outages occur during or immediately prior to a football game, preventing its system from connecting" to a spectrum access system, the bureau said Wednesday in docket 21-111. “The NFL also asserts that an extension will allow it to continue to assess the technical and regulatory aspects of additional workaround solutions in the event of a simultaneous Internet outage.”
This has been a quiet year for FCC’s Technological Advisory Council, which last met Dec. 8, but members remain focused on a few remaining reports, all focused on 6G, and the FCC is still focused on the group, a spokesperson said. The FCC announced last week TAC will meet Aug. 17 (see 2306300059), in what is expected to be the final meeting under its current charter. TAC met four times last year and has generally had quarterly meetings.
NTIA heard a variety of comments, positive and negative, on the viability of the citizens broadband radio service as a model for future spectrum sharing. Comments, posted by the agency Tuesday, were due May 31 on an NTIA report on dynamic sharing and the three-tier sharing model offered by CBRS (see 2305010063). The report was by the agency’s Colorado lab, the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS).
Representatives of Samsung Electronics America spoke with FCC staff about the company’s request for a 5G base station radio that works across citizens broadband radio service and C-band spectrum (see 2303100019). The Samsung representatives met with Wireless Bureau and Office of Engineering and Technology staff. “Samsung discussed how the waiver will enable Samsung to market the multiband device by permitting the device to exceed the Section 96.41(e)(2) emission limits within 3720-4000 MHz (to -25 dBm/MHz) when the device is being tested in CBRS-only mode for FCC certification purposes (a mode that will not be in commercially deployed radios),” said a filing posted Monday in docket 23-93: “Samsung noted that this CBRS-only mode will comply with the Commission’s emissions limits in the CBRS band. In commercially deployed radios using standalone 3.7 GHz or composite 3.7 GHz/CBRS operations, Samsung reiterated that the radio will comply with the emissions permitted by the composite device rule.” Comments in March supported grant of the waiver (see 2303280054).
The NFL asked the FCC for a two-year waiver extension of rules for the citizens broadband radio service allowing the league to continue operating a coach-to-coach communications system in the event of a localized internet outage in stadiums during games (see 2207120055). The NFL sought a three-year extension in 2022 and got one year (see 2209070040). “The NFL submits this limited waiver request because the previous reasons underlying the need for a waiver still apply; the narrowness of the waiver request remains; despite diligent efforts by the NFL, reliable marketplace solutions are not available; and the request meets the Commission’s waiver standard,” said a filing posted Thursday in docket 21-111.
CTIA questioned the conclusions in a May NTIA report arguing that dynamic sharing and the citizens broadband radio service should be a model for future spectrum use (see 2305010063). Filings were due Wednesday but hadn't been posted by the NTIA. The Wireless ISP Association supported the findings in the report (see 2305310062).
The Wireless ISP Association told the NTIA its conclusions were on target in a May report that said dynamic sharing and the citizens broadband radio service are a model for the future of spectrum use (see 2305010063). Comments on the report were due Wednesday. WISPA’s members “have been at the forefront” of deployments and “are using CBRS to create and expand networks into rural areas and increase throughput as well as offering competition in the fixed broadband marketplace,” WISPA said. “The vast majority” of registered CBRS devices “are being used for fixed wireless access in rural areas,” the group said. WISPA members also said the CBRS equipment they use enabled fixed broadband speeds of 400/100 Mbps. WISPA fired back at CTIA and major wireless carriers, who have criticized CBRS as not living up to the hype (see 2211140062). Carriers allege “real-world studies show low utilization, low market demand, and a dearth of innovative use cases,” WISPA said: “Decoded, such criticisms really mean that the CBRS band was not handed over to the mobile wireless industry, and instead has been useful for a wide-variety of other use cases, including extensive fixed wireless broadband access in rural areas.”
Las Vegas has been able to deploy a private network in just three years, initially as a way to control costs, but it continues to find new ways to use the network, said Michael Sherwood, the city’s chief innovation and technology officer, at the Private Networks Global Forum Tuesday. Other speakers said momentum is starting to build for private networks.
The FCC Wireless Bureau and Office of Engineering and Technology approved Federated Wireless’s application to be an environmental sensing capability provider for the citizens broadband radio service band in two dynamic protection areas in Alaska. The FCC said Wednesday approval follows consultation with NTIA and DOD.