2023 Adopted Resolutions

Resolution Calling on the US Senate to Confirm Anna M. Gomez to the 5th Federal Communications Commission position and Reconfirm Commissioners Carr and Starks

1.  WHEREAS, Mayors believe that a fully-functioning Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) during this unprecedented time of broadband demand and the need to implement broadband investment programs, including the Affordable Connectivity Program and other Internet For All initiatives, is vital to the health and welfare of the nation and its residents; and

2.  WHEREAS, filling the long-vacant FCC seat will enable the Commission to function the way the Communications Act intended – as a five-member body; and

3.  WHEREAS, on May 22, 2023, President Biden nominated Anna M. Gomez to fill the 5th Commissioner and Geoffrey Adam Starks and Brendan Carr for additional terms as Commissioners of the Federal Communications Commission

4.  WHEREAS, municipal governments are on the front lines and often times the first contact residents make when looking for answers to questions about communications infrastructure work. broadband service availability in their communities, and access to essential services such as internet access; and

5.  WHEREAS, municipal governments therefore have a unique, first-hand understanding about the substantial ways in which FCC decisions concerning broadband oversight and deployment impact our communities; and

6.  WHEREAS, prompt confirmation of a fifth FCC Commissioner and reconfirmation of Commissioners Starks and Carr will enable the FCC to take action on pressing issues as far-ranging as broadband deployment, spectrum allocation and auctions, universal service, public safety, and the proper roles of state and local governments in communications policy.

7.  NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that The United States Conference of Mayors calls on the United States Senate to promptly confirm the Anna M. Gomez to fill the vacant fifth FCC Commissioner seat and to reconfirm Geoffrey Adam Starks and Brendan Carr for additional terms as Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission.