It’s time for “the next level” of E-rate, said Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., in a Sunday op-ed for The Metro West Daily News ( As a member of the House during the passage of the 1996 Telecom Act, Markey helped create E-rate. He praised President Barack Obama’s proposed expansion of E-rate, in an initiative known as ConnectED, and said there’s a “need to focus on wireless access in schools and libraries and enabling students to learn using the latest technologies.”
The House Transportation Committee will mark up a bill to outlaw in-flight conversation on cellphones. The markup is scheduled for 10 a.m. Tuesday in 2167 Rayburn. The bill is HR-3676, the Prohibiting In-Flight Voice Communications on Mobile Wireless Devices Act.
A Republican lawmaker again called for updates to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act to better protect U.S. citizens’ privacy. “Today we find ourselves in a fight of epic proportion as it relates to our individual liberties and their preservation,” Rep. Matt Salmon, R-Ariz., said Monday at Heritage Action’s 2014 Conservative Policy Summit, lamenting an “out-of-control surveillance state,” the many leaks by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, and secret courts with secret roles. He cited a bill he introduced last summer, HR-1847, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act, which would require the government to have a warrant or written consent before reading email or text messages. That bill has 24 co-sponsors and was referred to the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations in mid-June. Salmon is a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, where he chairs the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere. Omnibus legislation “probably wouldn’t stand a very good chance of passage,” Salmon said, saying he backs multiple pieces of legislation on the topic and the need for a step-by-step approach. Other issues remain on the table in terms of commercial tracking, Salmon said. “I hate the cookies,” he said, saying “that should be addressed as well.”
Senate Communications Subcommittee Chairman Mark Pryor, D-Ark., plans to talk to NARUC about broadband deployment, the consumer protection implications of data breaches and 911 wireless location accuracy issues pegged to public safety, a spokeswoman for the senator told us. Pryor is scheduled to speak Tuesday morning at NARUC’s winter meeting in Washington at about 8:35 a.m., according to a NARUC spokesman. Pryor recently held a hearing on 911 wireless location issues, where he pushed the FCC to develop standards.
Public Knowledge took to The Hill op-ed pages to argue that Congress should broadly update video marketplace rules. “The existing rules are slanted too far in favor of broadcasters,” Public Knowledge Staff Attorney John Bergmayer said ( “Congress should fix this, not to benefit any one industry, but to help viewers.” He called retransmission consent rules “one piece of the puzzle” but also cited several lawmakers who have focused on different aspects of the video marketplace in need of change. He backs the elimination of “basic tier buy-through,” he said: “Under this policy, which is rooted in both statute and FCC regulation, all pay-TV customers are required to buy cable packages that include a complete broadcast lineup.” There are many “negative effects,” such as a tilting of negotiation power in favor of broadcasters and against cable companies, Bergmayer said. “It’s curious that Public Knowledge, a purported public interest group, supports eliminating the tier of channels that provides by far the most popular content and lifeline service at the lowest possible price,” NAB Executive Vice President Dennis Wharton told us. “That may be pro-Big Cable, but it’s hardly pro-consumer."
The House Communications Subcommittee postponed its hearing on broadband stimulus projects, initially set for Tuesday. The subcommittee didn’t reschedule the hearing.
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is expected to address the House’s rural telecom working group at the end of the month, a Hill staffer told the NARUC subcommittee in Washington Friday. Reps. Bob Latta, R-Ohio, and Peter Welch, D-Vt., announced the creation of the working group last spring. Patrick Satalin, an aide to Welch, said Wheeler would be addressing the working group. Any Communications Act overhaul will be “front and center” and leave other items “overshadowed,” said Olivia Trusty, an aide to Latta. She expects the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act reauthorization process, E-rate expansion, spectrum auctions and FirstNet to be major topics in 2014. She anticipates a Communications Act revamp white paper on public safety later this year, among the others that House Republicans have promised as part of updating the Communications Act. Trusty mentioned the Republican Commerce Committee leadership request that the FCC refer any E-rate expansion to the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service and called that “a good recommendation.” Welch is focused on the potential benefits of smaller spectrum license sizes and call completion problems, which the FCC is looking at, Satalin said: “Hopefully they continue to beat the drum there.” Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., sees E-rate expansion as “extremely important,” Markey Senior Policy Adviser Joey Wender said. “The next step is increasing the speed and making sure there’s access throughout buildings.” Wender mentioned the IP transition and privacy as major issues on Markey’s agenda. Josh Lynch, aide to Sen. Deb Fischer, R-Neb., said data security and the questions on the Target breach are important. Lynch sees potential for “bipartisan consensus,” referring to the FCC Process Reform Act that cleared the House Commerce Committee in December and was introduced in the Senate last week. Those in the Senate perhaps do “need to take a look at the bill,” Wender said.
FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai highlighted problems with multiline telephone systems and emergency communications, speaking Friday before the Congressional Next-Gen 911 Caucus, citing a recent situation in which a caller failed to successfully dial 911 from a hotel. Multiline telephone systems operate in “hotels, motels, office buildings, and schools,” Pai said, and “the truth of the matter is that we don’t know the extent of the problem. That’s why I launched an inquiry last month to gather the facts.” He sent a letter to the CEOs of the 10 largest hotel chains in the U.S., with responses due Feb. 14, he said. Pai said there’s a question of who should be picking up the other end of the line in an emergency call as well as the question of location. “In large office buildings or complexes, on college campuses, and in hotels, it’s not enough for first responders to show up at the front door, if one even exists,” Pai said. “Bringing accurate location information to these emergency personnel is critical."
President Barack Obama signed HR-2642, known as the farm bill, into law Friday. “This bill helps rural communities by investing in hospitals and schools, affordable housing, broadband infrastructure -- all the things that help attract more businesses and make life easier for working families,” Obama said at Michigan State University in East Lansing.
Congress must extend the bonus depreciation provision of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, CenturyLink said Thursday ( The provision expired Dec. 31, and USTelecom, CTIA, NCTA, NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association, Independent Telephone and Telecommunications Alliance, Telecommunications Industry Association and PCIA-The Wireless Infrastructure Association said last month it should be extended. “Bonus depreciation provides tax incentives to companies that continue to invest, or expand their investments, in a slow economy,” CenturyLink said in a post on its policy blog. “Such investments include infrastructure improvements that create new jobs and lead to increased productivity. Extending the bonus depreciation provision will provide companies with the certainty they need to make investments that will improve our global competitiveness and help drive our economy forward.” Opponents said extending the provision would be a costly, poor policy decision.