Apple showed off its newer chips amid moving some chipmaking away from more established semiconductor manufacturers. Its Tuesday launch event showed the first iMac and iPads to use Apple’s M1 chip, and its latest smartphones include 5G. CEO Tim Cook gave a sneak peek into the second season of Apple TV+ show Ted Lasso before handing off to Cindy Lin, director-program management, who unveiled the next Apple TV 4K ($179). The streaming media player has power “that smart TVs just don’t have," she said. It's based on the A12 Bionic chip, used in the latest iPhones, and brings a “massive upgrade” to a TV, said Lin. The latest Apple 4K TV steps up to high-frame-rate Dolby Vision HDR at 60 frames per second, making content look more lifelike, she said. Apple is working with Fox Sports, NBCUniversal, Paramount+, Red Bull TV and Canal+ as they begin to stream in high-frame-rate HDR, said the company. Videos shot on iPhone 12 Pro can be displayed in 60 fps Dolby Vision with AirPlay via the new streamer. A new color balance feature in Apple 4K TV works with an iPhone to improve TV picture quality, said Lin. The company also introduced Apple Podcasts Subscriptions. Pricing is set by creators.
Aging devices created healthy Q1 demand for smartphone upgrades, which, combined with a 5G push by Chinese vendors, drove a 24% shipment increase year on year, reported Strategy Analytics Monday. Top-five vendors took 76% share vs. 71% a year ago. Chip shortages and supply side constraints didn’t have an impact in Q1 among the top five brands but will be a concern for smaller vendors over the next few quarters, said analyst Linda Sui. Samsung shipped 77 million phones, up 32% on sales of affordable A series 4G and 5G phones and the flagship S21 series, it said. Apple shipped 57 million units, No. 2 with 17% share. No. 3. Xiaomi shipped 49 million, 15% share.
IFA 2021 is planning a “full-scale and real-life return” Sept. 3-7 to the Messe Berlin exhibition halls and fairgrounds, after its “deliberately small-scale” physical-virtual hybrid version in 2020, said promoters Thursday. “With all our precautions to ensure everybody’s good health, we don’t expect IFA Berlin 2021 to set new records," said IFA Executive Director Jens Heithecker.
Sony included a variable telephoto lens paired with a dual pixel diode sensor in its latest flagship series 5G Xperia phones. The Xperia 1 III and Xperia 5 III, due in the U.S. this summer, have 70mm and 105mm focal lengths in the same periscope camera, Sony said Wednesday.
Face masks will be required at all times at CEDIA Expo 2021, said a health and safety plan sent Monday to prospective CEDIA attendees by show owner Emerald Holding. Conferences are to begin Aug. 31, and the Expo is scheduled for Sept. 1-3 at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis. Emerald, whose 2020 revenue plummeted 65% to $127.4 million due to the pandemic, is taking “extra precautions, beyond those mandated by government and local authorities, including temperature checks and face masks required of all persons entering the building, without exception,” it said. Daily temperature screens will be done as attendees enter the facility; anyone with a “high temperature” won’t be admitted, it said. Attendees will have to acknowledge and accept terms and conditions before entering the event, certifying they aren’t sick and don’t have signs or symptoms of COVID-19. They have to “make every effort to maintain" the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's hygiene guidelines, Emerald said: “CEDIA Expo has a no-contact policy in place.” The physical structure of the show was designed to allow social distancing and one-way entrances and exits, Emerald said. Attendees also agree to release Emerald and its affiliates from "all risks, claims, damages, losses, costs and expenses ... associated with, resulting from or arising in connection with my participation or presence at the CEDIA Expo event."
Global semiconductor revenue grew 10.4% in 2020 to $466.2 billion, reported Gartner Monday. “Memory, GPUs and 5G chipsets led semiconductor growth, driven by hyperscale, PC, ultramobile and 5G handset end-market demand,” said analyst Andrew Norwood. “Automotive and industrial electronics suffered due to lower spending or a pause in spending owing to COVID-19.” Intel remained the world’s top semiconductor vendor by revenue with a 15.6% share; Samsung had 12.4% and SK hynix was a distant third at 5.5%, said Gartner.
LG, which outlined its July 31 exit from smartphones this week (see 2104050038), said Thursday that consumers still using its premium phones will receive up to three versions of Android operating system upgrades. The upgrade commitment applies to phones released in 2019 and later: the G, V, Velvet and Wing series. Select 2020 models -- Stylo and K series -- will receive two upgrades, said the company. Upgrades will depend on Google’s distribution schedule, carrier requirements, device performance and compatibility, it said. LG will continue to manufacture phones through Q2 to meet contractual obligations to carriers and partners, it said. Customers can still buy LG phones currently in inventory, it said, with service support and security software updates to be provided “for a period of time for certain devices.”
Semiconductors are more “strategically important to the global economy than at any time in history, and this is driving new waves of silicon consumption,” Applied Materials CEO Gary Dickerson told his company's virtual investor meeting Tuesday. His prepared remarks noted factors driving unprecedented semiconductor demand without mentioning the resulting industry chip shortages. “As an industry, we’re in a privileged position where our combined technologies can drive a huge positive impact on a global scale,” said Dickerson. “As the world navigates COVID-19 and prepares for a post-pandemic era, the digital transformation of the economy is accelerating.” Digital transformation is “built upon semiconductor innovation, and has significant implications for the electronics ecosystem,” he said. “As everything gets smarter, from our phones to our cars to our homes, we’re seeing increasing silicon content.” The transition to 5G “is driving a richer mix of high-end phones that feature more cameras and sensors, combined with specialized AI computing,” he said. “All this adds up to more leading-edge and specialty silicon content per handset.”
February semiconductor revenue increased 14.7% year on year, reaching $36.9 billion globally, but was down 1% from January sales of $40 billion, reported the Semiconductor Industry Association Monday. “Global semiconductor sales during the first two months of the year have outpaced sales from early in 2020, when the pandemic began to spread in parts of the world,” said SIA CEO John Neuffer. “Sales into the China market saw the largest year-to-year growth, largely because sales there were down substantially early last year.”
The FCC International Bureau approved Myriota's requested blanket license for up to a million battery-powered terminals for satellite IoT applications.