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Rosenworcel, Carr Spar on Net Neutrality Ahead of Vote

FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel and Commissioner Brendan Carr released new statements disagreeing on a draft NPRM on net neutrality Wednesday (see 2310170066). Broadband is "essential infrastructure for modern life," Rosenworcel said: "We need broadband to reach 100 percent of us…

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-- and we need it fast, open and fair." Rosenworcel released a fact sheet highlighting 10 reasons for net neutrality, including the need to address network security and consumer data protection. Carr continued to express opposition to the proceeding, saying the "entire debate over whether Title II regulations are necessary or justified was settled years ago." Carr noted broadband speeds have increased while prices decreased since the commission's 2017 repeal of net neutrality rules, saying the internet "is not broken and the FCC does not need Title II to fix it."