Communications Daily is a Warren News publication.

CPUC Sets 18 Months to Complete CASF Changes

The California Public Utilities Commission expects to finish updating California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) rules within 18 months, Commissioner Darcie Houck said in a scoping memo Tuesday (docket R.20-08-021). The CPUC expects to post a proposed decision on staff’s revised…

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proposal on the broadband loan loss reserve fund in Q3 or Q4 this year, said the memo. In the same time frame, the CPUC plans to seek comments on proposed changes to the public housing account and line extension pilot program, it said. Expect proposed decisions on those issues in Q1 or Q2 2024, it said. In a separate Tuesday ruling, CPUC Administrative Law Judge Stephanie Wang sought comments by Sept. 26 on a staff proposal for a permanent foster youth program within the California LifeLine program. Replies are due Oct. 13. The CPUC authorized a pilot program in 2019 and in subsequent rulings extended the pilot through July 31, 2024.