July Update of CBP 10+2 FAQs (Part III-SCACs, Bundling, Etc.)
On July 9, 2010, U.S. Customs and Border Protection updated and expanded its frequently asked questions document on the 10+2 interim final rule that requires Security Filing information from importers and additional information from carriers for vessel (maritime) cargo before it is brought into the U.S.
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This is Part III, the final part of a multi-part series of summaries detailing the changes in CBP’s updated FAQ document, and highlights information on obtaining Importer Security Filing (ISF) information, SCACs and BAPLIE, carrier bundling, etc.
Obtaining ISF Progress Reports
CBP has expanded the answer of this FAQ. The Text after the first paragraph of the answer is new:
Q: Will ISF Importers be able to register and obtain a copy of their ISF Progress Report?
A: CBP currently allows Tier 3 C-TPAT and Tier 2 C-TPAT members the opportunity to register with CBP to receive their ISF Progress Reports directly from CBP. All other ISF importers must obtain a copy of their ISF Progress Report from their authorized ISF Filer.
Please send an email message to progress_report@cbp.dhs.gov with the following information:
- Company name
- C-TPAT Tier Level
- Point of contact
- Point of contact telephone
- IOR numbers to be included in the reports
- E-mail address to which the reports will be sent
A detailed transaction based report is automatically provided but only to C-TPAT Tier 3 importers. You do not need to sign up for this report if you qualify, but you must first sign up for the importer report by providing the information listed above.
Obtaining Transactional ISF Data
CBP has added the following new FAQ on obtaining transactional ISF data. Note that the second paragraph of the answer on data warehouses is also in an earlier FAQ on ACE.
Q: How do I get my transactional ISF data? Will CBP provide access to my transactional data in the future?
A: CBP only provides transactional ISF data to Tier 3 C-TPAT importers upon request. At this time, all other importers need to obtain the transactional level data directly from their service providers (i.e., brokers, agents, filers).
CBP is in the process of developing a data warehouse that will allow importers the ability to create and extract reports from CBP; this will include the capability to obtain transactional data. CBP will make every effort to deploy this capability to Tier 3 and Tier 2 C-TPAT importers sometime in the Fall of 2010.
ISF Amendment Codes
CBP has added a phrase to the answer to this FAQ (added phrase is underlined):
Q: CBP should create detailed amendment codes so changes to the ISF can be tracked more easily.
A: CBP agrees and will post a list of amendment codes, once they have been fully developed, in the next set of implementation guides.
Information on Insufficient Bonds
CBP has added a new FAQ on contacting CBP with questions about bond sufficiency:
Q: I filed an ISF and my customer’s bond was deemed to be “insufficient”. Who should I contact at CBP?
A: The trade may contact the Revenue Division directly at (317) 614-4880 or send an email to cbp.bondquestions@dhs.gov. Be sure to include your contact information as well as the importer number and the bond number in any correspondence.
ISF-10 Coded Transaction Type 2
CBP has amended the title of ISF-10 Transaction type 02 to “Ship To/To Order” (from “Ship To”).
ISF-10 Coded Transaction Type 3
CBP has added the following two notes to ISF Type 3 - Household Goods and Personal Effects (Informal Shipments)
Note: CBP has noted that some of the SSNs provided to-date have been fake; especially those that begin with “000”. Therefore, CBP will tighten up the system edits and will reject all SSNs that are clearly fictitious.
Note: An IRS# or CAN# may be provided for the ISF Importer and/or the Importer of Record as long as it has been previously registered with CBP (CBP Form 5106). If a social security number (SSN) or passport number (PPN) is provided for the ISF Importer and/or the Importer of Record, the following information will also have to be provided:
- Full name
- Date of Birth
(The changes announced in the second note are also reflected in the FAQ’s ISF Type “03” HHG/PE Filing Guidelines. See FAQ for details.)
CBP has added a second sentence to the answer to this FAQ (added sentence is underlined):
Q: Will CBP provide query functionality for DUNS numbers?
A: No. It is the ISF filer’s responsibility to obtain the correct DUNS number(s).
ISF Error and Disposition Codes
CBP has added the following 2 FAQs to the section on messaging:
Q: Does CBP maintain a list of ISF error codes?
A: Yes. Please see: CATAIR Appendix S
Q: Does CBP maintain a list of ISF disposition codes?
A: Yes. Please see: CATAIR Appendix N
ISF Filings and Carrier “Bundling”
CBP has added a note on “bundling” for ISF filings to the following sentence and phrase (1) a single ISF may cover multiple bills of lading as long as they are all going to the same importer* as part of the same shipment on the same vessel voyage, and (2) one ISF to cover multiple bills of lading.*
*Note: In the case of FROB, IE and TE cargo, the carrier may not “bundle” non-related shipments under a single ISF filing. These shipments are not ultimately “going to” the carrier.
Vessel Stow Plans (SCAC and BAPLIE)
CBP has added two new FAQs on flat-rack equipment and SCACs for shipper owned containers:
Q: We normally list the flat-rack equipment number on our vessel stow plan, but use the designator of “NC” or “not-containerized” on the customs manifest. Shortly after we send in the stow plan to CBP, we receive a warning message back that the flat-rack is considered “unmanifested”. What should we do?
A: In these instances, the carrier should go back into the manifest as soon as it becomes aware of this issue and update the equipment number field to reflect the flat-rack’s equipment number.
Q: What “SCAC” should we use for shipper owned containers on the BAPLIE? These containers do not have an actual SCAC associated with them.
A: In order for the container numbers to match between the vessel stow plan and the manifest, the “SCAC” codes need to match. CBP is working on developing a code that can be used to denote the presence of a shipper owned container. Once the code is put into effect, it should be used on both the vessel stow plan (BAPLIE) as well as in the manifest. The code will most likely be “8888”, but is subject to change. Please read the latest implementation guide.
(See ITT’s Online Archives or 07/16/10 and 07/19/10 news, 10071633 and 10071924, for Part I and II on ISF Reports, Data Warehouse, and the ACE Portal; and new ISF types.
See ITT’s Online Archives or 07/19/10 news, 10071904, for BP summary of CBP notice on new disposition codes for the ISF.)