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CBP Administrative Messages, Web Postings, Etc.

CBP has recently posted the following to its Web site:

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1. Various Postings to CBP's Web Site

Mandatory e-Manifest: truck. CBP has issued an ABI administrative message stating that it posted a notice in the Federal Register announcing that CBP will begin implementation of mandatory e-Manifest: truck for advance electronic cargo notification on January 25, 2007. (See ITT's Online Archives or 10/30/06 news, 06103005, for BP summary of this Federal Register notice.) (CBP Adm: 06-1172, dated 10/27/06, available at

ESAR Post-Release spreadsheet updated. CBP has posted to its Web site an updated spreadsheet on ACE Entry, Summary, Accounts, Revenue (ESAR) Post-Release. CBP states that the spreadsheet contains information about the affected ABI application, the record level, the record identifier, a brief description and a notation regarding whether the change would be required during the initial deployment of ACE. According to CBP, the spreadsheet is intended to provide planning support to members of the trade community as they prepare to enhance and modify their systems. (ESAR spreadsheet, posted 10/24/06, available at

Vegemite and folate. CBP has posted to its Web site a response to the question "why is CBP seizing vegemite" regarding recent rumors about CBP seizing vegemite at the border because of its added folate. In CBP's response it states that 21 CFR 172.345 allows folate to be added to a small number of foods, but vegemite is not one of them. CBP states that there is no official policy within CBP targeting vegemite for interception. (CBP response, dated 10/31/06, available at

Commissioner speaks at ACE Exchange II Conference. CBP has issued a press release announcing that Commissioner Ralph Basham spoke to attendees at the ACE Exchange II Conference, stressing the importance of cooperation in making technological advances effective tools in fighting terror and facilitating trade. Basham told the attendees that the focus of CBP's modernization efforts reflects the new reality of a world threatened by terrorism. (CBP press release, dated 10/31/06, available at

2. Miscellaneous CBP Messages on AD and CV Duty Actions

The antidumping (AD) and countervailing (CV) messages CBP issues on behalf of the International Trade Administration (ITA) are now only available on CBP's Web site at . AD and CV ABI administrative messages are no longer issued.

An overview of a number of recent AD/CV messages posted to CBP's Web site, along with the case number(s), period covered, and CBP message number, are provided below. (Note that the complete message is only available at