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CBP Administrative Messages, Web Postings, Etc.

CBP has posted to its Web site a notice announcing that the global tariff rate quota (TRQ) on refined sugar (including specialty sugar) that opened on October 2, 2006 oversubscribed at opening moment. The pro rata percentage is 50.47% or .5047.

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1. Global Refined Sugar TRQ Oversubscribed at Opening Moment on Oct 2, 2006

CBP states that entries or warehouse withdrawals for consumption covering merchandise subject to the above TRQ and presented after opening should be returned to the broker. The importer has the option to determine how its allocation will be distributed, i.e., more or less than the pro rata amount (or none) on a given entry. The importer may also transfer its allotment to entries at another port. Any of these scenarios are acceptable, however no importer will be allowed to enter quantities in excess of the prorated amount properly presented at opening. (See ITT's Online Archives or 09/28/06 news, 06092840 1, for BP summary of announcement of the opening of this TRQ.) (QBT-06-568, dated 10/05/06, available at

2. October 12 Opening of 180-Day Special Import Quota for Upland Cotton (Announcement Number 27)

CBP has posted to its Web site a notice announcing a "weekly" special import quota of 22,612,129 kg for upland cotton purchased not later than January 9, 2007 and entered under HTS 9903.52.27. The quota period is October 12, 2006 through April 9, 2007; the opening date is October 12, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. EDT, or its equivalent in other time zones.

According to CBP, the use of the "special import quota" is at the importer's option and is not subject to the tariff-rate quotas (TRQs) in HTS Chapter 52 Additional U.S. Notes (AUSNs) 5 through 10. CBP has previously stated that these 180-day quotas are established pursuant to a 1991 Presidential Proclamation, are "triggered" by high C.I.F Northern European cotton prices, and are provided for in HTS Chapter 99, Subchapter III, U.S. Note 6. (See notice for special instructions concerning the requirement for an original foreign government certificate and a certification by the importer.) (QBT-06-569, dated 10/05/06, available at

3. Short Supply ("Commercially Unavailable") Designation under DR-CAFTA

CBP has issued a memo on the Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreement's (CITA's) determination that certain 2-way stretch woven fabrics of polyester/viscose rayon/spandex classifiable in HTS 5515.11.00 cannot be supplied by the domestic industry in commercial quantities in a timely manner under the U.S.-Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA, also abbreviated as CAFTA-DR). As a result, such fabric is added to the list in Annex 3.25 of the DR-CAFTA in unrestricted quantities. (See ITT's Online Archives or 10/02/06 news, 06100220 for BP summary of this CITA determination.) (TBT-06-020, dated 10/04/06, available at

4. Various Postings to CBP's Web Site

CBP has recently posted the following to its Web site:

ACE Exchange II Conference flyer, draft agendas posted. CBP has posted to its Web site a flyer and draft agendas for the ACE Exchange Conference II that is to take place on October 30-November 2, 2006 in Tucson, Arizona. The flyer, available in both English and Spanish, announces the location and details of the event. Draft agendas are provided for truck carriers, the EDI information session, and importer/broker/ABI software vender and self programmers. (See ITT's Online Archives or 09/06/06 news, 06090605, for BP summary of the announcement of the ACE Exchange II Conference.) (ACE Conference information available at

Periodic monthly statement overview presentation posted. CBP has posted to its Web site a PowerPoint presentation providing a general overview of the Periodic Monthly Statement (PMS) feature of the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) that is designed to enhance the account based processing of duties and fees. This presentation also includes information pertaining to reports, how to apply to become a participant in ACE and PMS, and where to go for answers to ACE related questions. (CBP presentation, dated 10/06, available at

ACE e-Manifest truck deployment map posted. CBP has posted to its Web site a map which depicts all the current ACE ports and where ACE e-Manifest trucks (Release 4) are deployed. The map also shows ports at which deployment is planned for the summer/fall of 2006. (CBP map, posted 10/06/06, available at

Commissioner Basham tours CBP facilities in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale area. CBP has posted to its Web site press release announcing that while Commissioner Basham was on tour of CBP facilities in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale area he promoted port security technology at the Port of Everglades in Fort Lauderdale to South Florida media. Basham also witnessed a heroin seizure while on tour at the Miami International Airport. Basham also met with CBP employees and toured other important areas of the CBP facilities that he visited. (CBP press release, dated 10/06/06, available at

5. Miscellaneous CBP Messages on AD and CV Duty Actions

CBP has issued administrative messages on a number of antidumping (AD) and countervailing (CV) duty actions, many of which (marked by an * in the action column) were previously published in the Federal Register by the International Trade Administration (ITA) and summarized in International Trade Today.

(The administrative messages marked with an * cover much of the same information as the ITA notices; however, CBP's messages often list the 10-character case number specific to each listed company(s). ITA notices only list the 7-character master case number. In addition, sometimes the master case number for CBP purposes differs from the ITA master case number.)

Important! CBP will discontinue issuing administrative messages on AD and CV duty actions effective on approximately September 30, 2006. CBP's AD/CV searchable database on its Web site,, will then be the sole CBP forum for these notices.

AD/CV scope ruling

The administrative messages listed above are availablefrom (and can be searched by message number, country, product, etc.).