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CBP Administrative Messages, Web Postings, Etc.

CBP has posted to its Web site an updated version of its Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) road event schedule. CBP also issued an administrative message announcing upcoming ACE e-Manifest outreach events. These documents announce 9 events that have been added since BP's most recent update on ACE events:

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1. Upcoming "ACE on the Road" Events, ACE e-Manifest Outreach Events

October 2, 2006

Maddocks Users Conference 2006

Savannah, Georgia

October 4, 2006

ACE Workshop

Pembina, North Dakota

October 12, 2006

ACE Seminar

Markel Insurance

Markham, Ontario Canada

October 16-17, 2006

ACE e-Manifest: Truck Workshops

Pembina, North Dakota

October 23, 2006 (Tentative)

I.E.Canada (Canadian Association of Importers & Exporters)

  1. h Annual Conference

Toronto, Ontario Canada

October 31, 2006

ACE Seminar

Markel Insurance

Calgary, Alberta Canada

November 3, 2006

ACE Seminar

Markel Insurance

Moncton, New Brunswick Canada

November 9, 2006

Southern Bulk Carriers Conference

Texas Tank Truck Carriers Association

Houston, Texas

November 14, 2006

ACE Seminar

Markel Insurance

Drummondville, Quebec Canada

(See ITT's Online Archives or 08/30/06 news, 06083040 2, for BP summary of the previous "ACE on the Road" event schedule.)

(CBP's Web site event schedule, updated 09/25/06, available at; CBP Adm: 06-1117, dated 09/27/06, available at

2. Various Postings to CBP's Web Site

CBP has recently posted the following to its Web site:

December TSN draft agenda, draft agenda overview, registration information posted. CBP has posted to its Web site the December Trade Support Network (TSN) draft agenda overview and the December TSN draft agenda for its TSN Plenary Session to be held December 11-13, 2006 in Arlington, VA. CBP states that updates to these documents will be posted on its Web site as revisions are made. CBP has also posted registration information for the December TSN Plenary Session - registration is now open for TSN members. (CBP's draft agenda overview document, posted 09/13/06 available at; CBP's draft agenda document, posted 09/13/06, available at; CBP's TSN registration info, posted 09/13/06, available at

ABI error message dictionary posted. CBP has posted to its Web site a document entitled "ABI Error Message Dictionary." CBP states that the dictionary contains detailed explanations on over 1400 error messages that are generated when a filer's transmission is rejected by ABI. (CBP document, posted 09/26/06, available at

$345,823 worth of counterfeit UL products seized in FY 2006. CBP has posted to its Web site a press release announcing that CBP Officers in Puerto Rico have seized, during fiscal year (FY) 2006, a total of 131,685 pieces of products with counterfeit Underwriters Laboratories (UL) labels - at an estimated value of $345,823. According to the press release, several CBP Ports worked in close coordination with the Headquarters Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) group to achieve this success. CBP states that the counterfeit merchandise was seized in four separate shipments that arrived from China and were destined for local distribution. (CBP press release, dated 09/22/06, available at

3. Miscellaneous CBP Messages on AD and CV Duty Actions

CBP has issued administrative messages on a number of antidumping (AD) and countervailing (CV) duty actions, many of which (marked by an * in the action column) were previously published in the Federal Register by the International Trade Administration (ITA) and summarized in International Trade Today.

(The administrative messages marked with an * cover much of the same information as the ITA notices; however, CBP's messages often list the 10-character case number specific to each listed company(s). ITA notices only list the 7-character master case number. In addition, sometimes the master case number for CBP purposes (in parentheses, below, where applicable) differs from the ITA master case number.)

Important! CBP will discontinue issuing administrative messages on AD and CV duty actions effective on approximately September 30, 2006. CBP's AD/CV searchable database on its Web site, , will then be the sole CBP forum for these notices.

Replaces message 6254201 as preliminary injunction has been amended

The administrative messages listed above are availablefrom (and can be searched by message number, country, product, etc.).