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CBP Issues Guide on Requesting Inbond Moves in Truck AMS (ACE, QP, EDI)

(BP will be reissuing its summary of this CBP guide in order to delete all of CBP's references to Truck AMS (Automated Manifest System), as AMS is under ACS, and CBP's E-Manifest: Truck, though also an automated system, is under the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). Other conforming changes will also made. The corrected summary is expected to appear in the September 19, 2006 issue of ITT.)

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U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has issued a document which details three methods of requesting inbond moves in Truck Automated Manifest System (AMS) -

  1. Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Secure Data Portal,
  2. ABI QP Application, or
  3. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), either in ANSI X12 or UNEDIFACT standard.

(According to CBP, the capability of carriers to perform exports and cancellations of in-bond arrivals and exports in ANSI X12 and EDIFACT is still in development. The examples of the in-bond exports in EDIFACT are provided in this document as illustrations of what the messages will be like when the programming is complete.)

CBP explains that Truck AMS delivers the capability for truck carriers and their designated agents to request shipments to move in-bond, report the arrival of in-bond shipments, and report the export of inbond shipments that have been previously arrived, and that these are the same inbond processes employed in the current sea, rail, and air AMS.

Highlights of the Three Methods of Requesting Inbond Moves in Truck AMS

CBP's document provides details of the three methods for requesting inbond moves in Truck AMS. The following are highlights of these methods (see CBP document for complete details):

Requesting in-bond moves via the ACE Secure Data Portal. CBP states that when creating a shipment record in the ACE Secure Data Portal the manifest filer or authorized agent can change the "shipment release type" from the default of "PAPS" to "Pre-filed In-bond". By doing so the manifest filer will be asked for additional information when creating the shipment record.

The additional data elements for all inbond types are: (1) in-bond entry type, (2) in-bond destination, (3) onward carrier (SCAC), (4) bonded carrier (IRS), (5) in-bond number, (6) transfer carrier (IRS). In addition, if the shipment is a Transportation and Exportation (TE) or an Immediate Export (I.E.), the following additional data elements are required: (1) foreign port of destination, (2) estimated date of U.S. departure, (3) Mexican Pedimento Number (for I.E.s departing from U.S.-Mexico ports and destined for Mexico), (4) the value of the shipment should be entered in U.S. dollars, and (5) if the shipment is being exported from the U.S. via Water an HTS number must be entered in the Commodity details screen.

CBP provides examples of the ACE Secure Data Portal screen where the required inbond information is submitted and also the screen where information on TE shipments exported via water is submitted.

Requesting in-bond moves via the ABI QP application.CBP explains that if an in-bond shipment is declared via the Automated Broker Interface (ABI) (QP application), citing an ACE carrier's shipment control number (bill of lading number) and this shipment has not been transmitted in ACE, a shipment record will be established in the carrier's account. The ABI filer will be required to provide full bill data to create the shipment and inbond records. If the "QP" filer identifies the carrier as the bonded carrier and reports the SCAC code as the first four positions of the Shipment Control Number then the carrier can view all of the details of the in-bond shipment via their ACE Secure Data Portal Account.

CBP notes that this "un-associated" shipment can be "associated/linked" to a trip either via the Portal by using the "Lookup Shipment(s) feature of the "Create Manifest" process or via EDI by reporting the Bill of Lading Number (SCN) in a "consist" message. (ANSIX12 358 or UNEDIFACT CUSREP).

If an in-bond shipment is declared via the ABI (QP application), citing an ACE carrier's shipment control number and this shipment has been transmitted by the ACE carrier as a PAPS or other type shipment, the ABI filer will provide only the minimal data to establish an inbond record. The inbond will be associated to the carrier's shipment. In the QP application, the ABI filer is restricted to using only a CF-7512 inbond number.

In addition, CBP's document provides examples of how to create a QP inbond movement as well as a WP to arrive and export an inbond movement.

Requesting in-bond moves via EDI, either ANSI X12 or UNEDIFACT. A carrier or his authorized agent using EDI may create an inbond using a 9-digit inbond number found on the CF 7512, or a paperless inbond number. CBP states that this is an 11 alphanumeric identifier beginning with a 'V' followed by a 2 position identifier and an 8 position control number. In addition, participants in truck AMS may also use their shipment control numbers as inbond numbers providing they don't exceed 12 positions without the SCAC code.

CBP's document provides a detailed example in the ANSI X12 standard of a 309 set, which is a complete manifest. CBP notes that all required information for the manifest, the trip, the conveyance, the crew, the equipment, and the shipment are present and the manifest is complete at transmission. CBP's document provides examples of the following: (1) complete manifest ANSI X12 - CF 7512 in-bond number used, (2) complete manifest EDIFACT - CF 7512 number used, (3) preliminary bill in ANSI X12 with paperless in-bond number, (4) preliminary bill with paperless in-bond in EDIFACT, (5) complete manifest ANSI X12 - Shipment control number used as in-bond control number, (6) complete manifest in EDIFACT using shipment control number as in-bond control number, (7) PAXLST Edifact unregistered crew members, (8) etc.

CBP also advises carriers that they are responsible for arriving the inbonds they create in their manifests at the ports of destination. In the case of inbond exports carriers must export the shipments within 30 days of arrival at inbond destinations or become subject to penalties for failure to export.

CBP Document, entitled "A Short Guide to Create, Arrive and Export In-Bond Shipments in E-Manifest: Truck (Truck AMS)",(undated) available at