Gonzalez, Bohigian, a Few Others Have Martin’s Ear
FCC Chmn. Martin gives great weight to opinions from top advisers who, in the eyes of many, play more crucial a role in Commission work than predecessors in previous administrations. While others vie for the list, here, based on numerous interviews with former and current FCC officials, is Martin’s inner circle:
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Dan Gonzalez, Chief of Staff
Gonzalez has worked for Martin since his early days as a commissioner. Once Martin’s wireline adviser and senior legal adviser, Gonzales, known for working long hours, is at the very center of influence in the Martin regime. “Most people would acknowledge he is the key guy both in terms of exerting power over the process, but also on quite a few matters of substance,” a source said: “He has his hands in quite a few substantive proceedings, such as the recent VoIP order.” In earlier incarnations, Gonzalez advised former Comr. Rachelle Chong, and was aide in the former Common Carrier Bureau and vp-external and regulatory affairs at CLEC XO Communications.
Catherine Bohigian, Chief, Office of Strategic Planning & Policy Analysis
Bohigian and Martin both attended Harvard Law School, with him graduating a few classes earlier. A junior assoc. at Wiley Rein & Fielding while Martin was a senior assoc. there, she joined Wiley as a summer clerk he recruited. “She was considered a prize recruit,” one source said. Bohigian was Martin’s legal adviser until he became chair, when she became his senior legal adviser. “She’s been with Kevin from the start and is clearly a very trusted adviser,” a source said. Another source said among power brokers under Martin “you'd have to put down Dan and Catherine, and you could almost stop right there if you wanted.” Under Bohigian, OSP’s role in policy development and importance in the FCC has grown.
Sam Feder, General Counsel
The main policy role of the General Counsel’s office is in regard to merger reviews. Feder, Martin’s former wireless adviser, works on operational and political matters far less than other trusted aides. He occasionally has been forced into FCC politics, an arena he doesn’t relish, sources said. “Kevin respects Sam as a lawyer, which is a compliment, considering his own legal background,” said a former FCC staffer. Another said: “Sam is a very good lawyer. The general counsels have always been people that the chairmen thought highly of as lawyers.”
Michele Carey, Senior Legal Adviser
Carey hasn’t been with Martin as long as other top advisers have. She came to his attention while at the Wireline Bureau. “She’s been around the agency a long time,” an industry source said. “Everybody has recognized her for her skill and her knowledge. She has been promoted consistently by every single chairman” since William Kennard. The source said Carey is a member of a very strong team in Martin’s office on wireline issues, led by the chairman.
Emily Willeford, International Adviser and Deputy Chief of Staff
Willeford is close with Martin and his wife, Catherine. Willeford worked with Martin on the 2000 Bush Presidential campaign, becoming his special assistant when he joined the Commission a year later. Several sources called her the “de facto” head of the International Bureau.
Tony Dale, Head of the Office of Managing Director
In an office not traditionally deemed a power base, Dale has been a “go-to” aide for Martin on many matters, sources said. “He kind of crops up in a lot of different roles,” a regulatory lawyer said: “He was initially running legal affairs. The key difference for Kevin is that labels and titles don’t make any difference. Tony will get involved in a lot of things, including homeland security.”
Tom Navin, Wireline Bureau Chief
Navin probably has stronger ties to Martin than any bureau chief. Among the bureau chiefs, “Navin is the one who has the closet relationship, but in meetings he’s quick to say that Kevin makes the decisions,” a source said.
Other trusted Martin aides include Fred Campbell, wireless adviser; Heather Dixon, media adviser; Donna Gregg, Media Bureau chief, formerly of Wiley Rein & Fielding; and Monica Desai, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau chief, formerly Martin’s wireless adviser.