CBP Posts "ACE Toolkit" to its Web Site (Covers Entry Summary Processing, Etc.)
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has posted to its Web site an "ACE Toolkit," which consists of three documents: (i) Overview of Periodic Monthly Statement; (ii) Entry Summary Accounts Revenue (ESAR) I & II Overview; and (iii) ACE Ambassador Locations. According to CBP, the toolkit provides a general overview of the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) and various components of key functionality.
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CBP states that ESAR will provide ACE enhanced account management functions, a single source for master data, and an integrated account-based, financial and entry summary processing system.
(An article in the Winter 2005 Quarterly NCBFAA Bulletin states that two major ACE releases are forthcoming: one which will affect database formatting and some account information; and one which will focus on the most important issues to the brokerage community because it involves the reautomation and, in some case, redesign, of the entry process- all the way from the release of cargo through the liquidation process - something the article characterizes as very significant and something that will fundamentally change the way Customs brokers do business. One of the ACE Ambassadors quoted in the article, notes that the 21st century mandate appears to be "reautomate or perish."
In its February 2006 Modernization Monthly newsletter, CBP states that the development of new ACE ESAR features is expected to continue throughout summer 2006 and upon completion and testing of the prototype, new capabilities are expected to be activated in early 2007. The A1 phase is expected to be active in 2007 and entry summary and revenue processing capabilities will be introduced over the next several years in the A2 and A3 phases. See ITT's Online Archives or 03/03/06 news, 06030315, for BP summary of February newsletter.)
This is Part I of a multi-part series of summaries on CBP's ESAR I and II Overview and highlights CBP's information on ESAR I. See future issues of ITT for summary on CBP's ESAR II, etc.
Higlights of ESAR A1
CBP states that a key aspect of the first phase of account enhancements, Drop A1, is the establishment of ACE as the lead system for all master data elements required by any CBP system.
The creation and maintenance of all master data elements and related reference files will originate in ACE and will be distributed to other CBP systems (i.e., Automated Commercial System (ACS)) for the following:
Account master data (i.e., names, addresses, points of contact, bonds, etc.)
Organizational data (i.e., port codes, Facilities Information Resource Management System (FIRMs) codes)
Reference data to support ESAR transactions (i.e., country codes)
Tariff file
Currency file
Additional ACE benefits of ESAR A1. With the delivery of ESAR A1, CBP states that the following additional benefits will be realized within ACE:
Merge accounts- streamlined process for merging accounts within the ACE Portal
Customs bond - paper Customs Bond (CBPF 301) and Corporate Surety Power of Attorney (CBPF 5297) recorded in ACE
Cross-account access- one ACE user-id and password to access multiple ACE accounts
Enhanced access to data- increased ability to create, access, and maintain data in ACE
Broker management - broker data (exam, license and permit) will be available at a national level
Additional account types- increased opportunity to manage and maintain more accounts within ACE.
ESAR A1 enhancements to existing ACE features. CBP also states that ESAR A1 will contain enhancements to existing ACE features, including: (a) elimination of redundant keystrokes (e.g., point of contact set up, trade user set up); (b) copy an existing user's access privileges to a new user; and (c) greater visibility of active/inactive status of portal users.
New ESAR A1 features. CBP also discusses in detail the three new ESAR A1 features:
Cross-account access. Cross-account access will be available for all account types. One user identification number (ID) to access multiple accounts based on privileges granted per account.
Merge accounts. The trade account owner to initiate request for merger/acquisition via the portal (CBP to review documentation and request and to approve or reject the request). Trade account owner of the acquiring company and/or the new company will assign access privileges to the users.
5106 process.CBP states that it can be submitted via the ACE Secure Data Portal and ABI and paper submission processes will continue to exist. (The CBP Form 506 is the Notification of Importer's Number or Notice of Change of Name or Address.)
ESAR A1 PGAs. According to CBP, the participating government agencies (PGAs) with licenses, permits, and certificates in ESAR A1 are as follows:
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives
Agriculture Marketing Service
Office of Foreign Assets Control
National Highway Transportation Safety Administration
Maritime Administration
International Trade Administration
Fish & Wildlife Service
Foreign Trade Zones Board
Food Safety Inspection Service
Federal Maritime Commission
Federal Communications Commission
Alcohol & Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
ACE Took Kit available at http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/toolbox/about/modernization/general_info/toolkit/.
CBP's ESAR I & II Overview (dated March 2006) available at http://www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/toolbox/about/modernization/general_info/toolkit/esar_1_2_overview.ctt/esar_1_2_overview.ppt.
BP Note
It is important to note that CBP's ESAR I and II Overview states that the decisions, policies and solutions in that document are subject to change at any time without prior notice.