CBP Administrative Messages, Web Postings, Etc.
On December 13, 2005, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued an administrative message (Adm: 05-1423) announcing that the National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA) had identified approximately 6,000 standard alpha carrier codes (SCAC) that had not renewed their subscriptions with the NMFTA by the June 30 expiration date, nor in the past six months. CBP stated that on December 19, 2005, it would be updating the CBP carrier code file to remove any unrenewed codes. CBP noted that deletion of the unrenewed codes could impact Automated Manifest System (AMS) and Automated Broker Interface (ABI) processing.
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1. CBP Cancels Scheduled Deletion of Non-Renewed SCACs
However, CBP has now issued a new administrative message (Adm: 05-1430) announcing that it has cancelled the December 19, 2005 scheduled deletion of the non-renewed SCACs. CBP now states that it will inform the trade when deletion has been rescheduled. (Adm: 05-1423, dated 12/13/05, available at http://www.brokerpower.com/cgi-bin/adminsearch/admmsg.view.pl?article=2005/2005-1423.ADM. Adm: 05-1430, dated 12/16/05, available at http://www.brokerpower.com/cgi-bin/adminsearch/admmsg.view.pl?article=2005/2005-1430.ADM.)
2. Filers Should Use Port Code 4194 for DHL Courier Hub in Wilmington, OH
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has issued an ABI administrative message announcing that, effective immediately, all entry filers are requested to use port code 4194 for all shipments that are located at the DHL courier hub in Wilmington, OH. The previous port code of 4197 was used when DHL was located in Hebron, KY (co-located with Cincinnati). CBP notes that the 4197 port code will be disabled in the Automated Commercial System (ACS) effective December 30, 2005. (Adm: 05-1425, dated 12/14/05, available at http://www.brokerpower.com/cgi-bin/adminsearch/admmsg.view.pl?article=2005/2005-1425.ADM.)
3. Various CBP Web Postings
CBP has also posted a number of documents to its Web site:
New/modified ACE EDI messages for Release 4 - Truck Manifest. CBP has posted the following new/modified ANSI X.12 message set: Truck Manifest 355 Message (dated 11/23/05). In addition, CBP has posted a record of changes ANSI X.12 messages (dated 11/23/05). (Messages available at http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/toolbox/about/modernization/ace_edi_drafts/edi_messages/ansi_message_sets/.)
FY 2005 annual disbursements on Byrd Amendment claims. CBP has posted its Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000 (also known as the Byrd Amendment) annual report of disbursements for fiscal year (FY) 2005. In addition, CBP has posted a table of the FY 2005 certifications received. (http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/import/add_cvd/cont_dump/cdsoa_05/).