WCO Creates High-Level Strategic Group to Continue Work of Task Force on Supply Chain Security
During June 24-26, 2004, the World Customs Organization (WCO) Council initiated a High-Level Strategic Group that will provide leadership and guidance to WCO members in the establishment of an international framework on security and facilitation.
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This resolution follows a June 2002 resolution which created the WCO's Task Force on Security and Facilitation of the International Trade Supply Chain, which held its final session in April 2004.
(This Task Force was charged with, among other things, the development of a series of measures to enhance supply chain security, and responding to increased concern that the international supply chain might be used as a means of delivery for weapons of mass destruction. See ITT's Online Archives or 07/09/03 and 08/29/03 news, 03070910 and 03082915, for two-part BP summary of the Task Force's recommendations to the WCO.)
According to a WCO press release, the High Level Strategic Group met for the first time on June 26, 2004. The resolution which created this group states that its objectives include the following (partial list):
Build upon and consolidate the work of the Task Force;
Prepare a WCO framework for the security and facilitation of global trade to be presented for the consideration of the WCO Policy Commission within 12 months;
Further develop the concept of integrated supply chain management and related Customs matters;
Develop and define standards on integrated supply chain security and facilitation and related Customs matters;
Make recommendations to enhance the capacity building provided to WCO members in the areas addressed by the High-Level Strategic Group
The resolution further states that the WCO's Policy Commission will, at its December 2004 Session, review the progress made with the implementation of this resolution by the High-Level Strategic Group, the WCO Secretariat, and WCO member customs administrations.
(See ITT's Online Archives or 05/17/04 news, 04051710, for BP summary of the final session of the WCO's Task Force.)
WCO Press Release available at http://www.wcoomd.org/ie/En/Topics_Issues/FacilitationCustomsProcedures/WCO-Secu%20Resolutions06.04vWEB.htm
WCO Resolution (dated June 2004) available at http://www.wcoomd.org/ie/En/Topics_Issues/FacilitationCustomsProcedures/Resolution%20E%20Version%20Saturday%2026%20June.PDF
BP Note
According to remarks given by CBP Commissioner Bonner at a Trade Support Network (TSN) Conference in early July 2004, this High-Level Strategic Group consists of a small group of committed heads of Customs agencies who are tasked with drafting a WCO initiative or framework, and getting it approved before the end of 2004 by the WCO Policy Commission.
Bonner expects this effort to lead to internationalizing C-TPAT, and to internationalizing the principles of the Container Security Initiative (CSI).
Bonner's speech before TSN (dated 07/01/04) available at http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/newsroom/commissioner/speeches_statements/070104_tsn_confer.xml