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Eight Government Agencies Make Preparations to Use ITDS, Another 15 Agencies Have Agreed to Participate

International Trade Data System (ITDS) sources have stated that eight government agencies are ready to begin making preparations for using the International Trade Data System (ITDS). In addition to these "Tier 1" agencies, an additional 15 "Tier 2" agencies have agreed to participate in ITDS.

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These sources also identified approximately 56 "Tier 3" agencies who are in the process of determining whether ITDS can meet their information needs.

(ITDS is the instrument through which federal government agencies participate in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). According to the ITDS Web site, the goal of the ITDS initiative is to implement an integrated government-wide system for the electronic collection, use, and dissemination of international trade data.)

Tier 1 Agencies

According to ITDS sources, eight agencies are in the process of determining their needs with respect to information submitted through ACE/ITDS. These sources explain that this group of agencies is ready, or close to being ready, to design and build their ACE/ITDS mechanisms. These agencies include:

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service;

Census Bureau;

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers;

Federal Communications Commission;

Food and Drug Administration;

International Trade Commission; and

Maritime Administration

According to sources, the FMCSA is expected begin using ACE/ITDS in Fall 2004 in conjunction with the issuance of ACE Release 4 (Truck Manifest), whereas the other Tier 1 agencies are expected to begin in conjunction with ACE Release 5 (Air, Sea and Rail Release; Selectivity and Targeting). (See ITT's Online Archives or 03/03/04 news, 04030310, for BP summary of FMCSA's expected use of ACE/ITDS.)

Tier 2 Agencies. ITDS sources identified a group of 15 agencies that are at various stages of preparation for using ACE/ITDS. ITA sources stated that these agencies are not ready to begin designing their ACE/ITDS interface mechanisms but have agreed to participate in the program. The Tier 2 agencies include:

Agricultural Marketing Service;

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives;

Bureau of Labor Statistics;

Bureau of Transportation Statistics;

Environmental Protection Agency;

Federal Aviation Administration;

Federal Maritime Commission;

Food Safety and Inspection Service;

Foreign Trade Zones Board;

Commerce Department's Import Administration;

National Highway Transportation Safety Administration;

Office of Trade Development;

Fish and Wildlife Service;

Nuclear Regulatory Commission; and

Department's of Defense's U.S. Transportation Command

Trade Groups, Companies Call for Executive Order Making ACE/ITDS Mandatory

In a letter to President Bush, numerous companies and trade groups have called for an Executive Order directing all of the approximately 79 federal agencies that process international trade data to become full and active participants in ACE/ITDS.

This letter states that ACE/ITDS will aid both the federal government and industry in achieving the mutual goal to strike an effective balance between a smooth flow of commerce and heightened security requirements.

Trade group/company letter calling for executive order (dated 04/01/04) available via email by emailing